By admin, on martie 5th, 2013
Departamentul de Informatica din cadrul Facultatii de Stiinte Exacte si Societatea de Tehnologii Computationale organizeaza sub egida Universitatii din Craiova cea de-a 7-a editie a Sesiunii de comunicari stiintifice studentesti ce va avea loc sambata 01 iunie 2013. . . . → Read More: Sesiunea nationala de comunicari stiintifice studentesti – editia a 7-a
By admin, on noiembrie 27th, 2012
IT Six Global Services has immediate, full-time opportunities in the following technology areas: Java EE, Microsoft .NET, Web & Mobile Applications, HTML 5, PHP, C/C++, Business Intelligence and Embedded software. Multiple openings for each technology. . . . → Read More: IT Six is hiring!
By admin, on noiembrie 14th, 2012
Facebook are, fata de Google si alte companii, o atitudine mai deschisa, mai iertatoare fata de initiativele angajatilor, iar cand acestia au idei interesante sunt incurajati sa le puna in practica, in ciuda faptului ca exista diverse riscuri, a spus intr-un interviu pentru HotNews, Andrei Alexandrescu, cercetator roman la Facebook.
. . . → Read More: Angajatii sunt stimulati sa-si puna in practica ideile noi, chiar daca exista riscuri
By admin, on noiembrie 8th, 2012
Cresterea reala a salariilor din mediul privat este infima in acest an, tinand cont de inflatie, a declarat miercuri Horatiu Cocheci, consultant sef in cadrul PwC Romania la prezentarea studiului anual privind salariile si beneficiile PayWell Romania 2012. 169 de firme cu peste 140.000 de angajati au raportat o crestere nominala a salariilor cu 5,1% in ultimele 12 luni, insa tinand cont de noua prognoza de inflatie anuntata miercuri de BNR, inseamna o crestere reala infima, a spus acesta. In ce domenii de activitate s-a castigat cel mai bine in acest an? . . . → Read More: Topul salariilor in 2012: Cel mai bine s-a castigat in IT si telecomunicatii
By admin, on septembrie 27th, 2012
Compania britanică Endava, specializată în aplicaţii IT pentru sectorul financiar, telecomunicaţii şi media, intenţionează să angajeze circa 1.000 de persoane în următorii 3 ani în Bucureşti. . . . → Read More: O firmă britanică angajează 1.000 de oameni în Bucureşti
By admin, on septembrie 21st, 2012
Join NetRom as .NET developer and you’ll have guaranteed diversification, Dutch standards working conditions, safe parking place and continuing projects, also a lot of activities that emphasize the notion of team building (hot meal at lunch, evening sports, knowledge sharing activities, interactive personal and professional development courses, team building events, team’s nights out, etc.). . . . → Read More: .NET Developer
By admin, on iulie 2nd, 2012
There is a 3 year postdoctoral research position available at the University of Oslo, Dept. of Informatics.
. . . → Read More: 3 year postdoctoral research position at the University of Oslo
By admin, on iulie 2nd, 2012
A postdoc researcher and two PhD students it is needed to join the Web-based Systems Group at the University of Mannheim. Please find the job postings below as well as at http://wifo5.informatik.uni-mannheim.de/de/lehrstuhl/offene-stellen The Web-based Systems Group is part of the new research focus area on Data- and Web-Science that is currently being established at the School of […] . . . → Read More: Open Positions: 1 Postdoc Researcher and 2 PhD Students at Web-based Systems Group / University of Mannheim
By admin, on iunie 13th, 2012
Ieri, 13.06.2012, a debutat la Craiova conferinţa internaţională International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics – WIMS’ 12. Evenimentul este organizat pentru prima data în România şi în Craiova, după ce prima ediţie a avut loc în anul 2011 în Norvegia, iar cea de-a treia va fi la Madrid, în Spania, în 2013. La eveniment […] . . . → Read More: WIMS’12
By admin, on iunie 13th, 2012
The Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (DIKU) invites applications for a PhD scholarship starting September/October 2012. The scholarship is internally financed and *not* subject to requirements of a specific research project or an external funding agent. The Algorithms and Programming Languages group at DIKU would welcome applications from candidates with a strong background in […] . . . → Read More: Ph.D. position in computer science at DIKU