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Hella Craiova atrage tineri cu aptitudini în IT


Compania a încheiat vineri 25 octombrie 2013 un program destinat studenţilor care au vrut să facă practică în societate. În centrul de cercetare-dezvoltare de la Craiova activează peste 150 de mici genii. Tinerii care au absolvit proiectul dezvoltat de Hella Craiova au fost premiaţi, vineri, în cadrul unei ceremonii ample organizate de companie, pentru a marca […] . . . → Read More: Hella Craiova atrage tineri cu aptitudini în IT

Open4Tech – Hella University Project


Department of Informatics together with Hella Romania company invite you to join Open4Tech – Hella University Project, event which is part of the series of events Open4Tech – Open for technology. Everybody is invited, from students to teachers and anyone who is interested.

  • Where: Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Department of Informatics, Room 219;

  • When: Thursday, 24th of October 2013, 12:00 o’clock.

. . . → Read More: Open4Tech – Hella University Project

Comisia Europeana ofera 100 de milioane de euro intreprinderilor nou-infiintate si IMM-urilor din domeniul tehnologiilor

Aproximativ 1.000 de intreprinderi nou-infiintate si alte intreprinderi extrem de inovatoare vor primi, in cadrul unei noi etape de finantare, granturi in valoare de 100 de milioane de euro din partea parteneriatului public-privat pentru internetul viitorului.

. . . → Read More: Comisia Europeana ofera 100 de milioane de euro intreprinderilor nou-infiintate si IMM-urilor din domeniul tehnologiilor

Open4Tech – CS Romania Day

Department of Informatics together with Communications et Systems Roumanie (C-S Romania S.A.) company invite you to join Open4Tech – C-S Romania Day, event which is part of the series of events Open4Tech – Open for technology.

Everybody is invited, from students to teachers and anyone who is interested.

  • Where: Faculty of Exact Sciences, Room 113;

  • When: Tuesday, 21st of May 2013, 14:00.

. . . → Read More: Open4Tech – CS Romania Day

Open4Tech – Netrom Software Day

Department of Informatics together with NetRom Software company invite you to join Open4Tech – Netrom Software Day, event which is part of the series of events Open4Tech – Open for technology.

Everybody is invited, from students to teachers and anyone who is interested.

  • Where: Faculty of Exact Sciences, Room 363;

  • When: Thursday, 9th of May 2013, 12:00.

. . . → Read More: Open4Tech – Netrom Software Day

Alice-un mediu de programare POO

Alice este un program gratuit pentru calculator (o aplicatie software) realizat la Universitatea Carnegie-Mellon al carui scop este acela de a facilita intelegerea conceptelor de programare orientata pe obiecte. Alice introduce un limbaj de programare educational fiind livrat impreuna cu un propriul mediu de dezvoltare (IDE – Integrated Data Environment). Marea majoritate a limbajelor de programare […] . . . → Read More: Alice-un mediu de programare POO

Open4Tech – Caphyon Day

Caphyon Logo

Department of Informatics together with CAPHYON Ltd company invite you to join Open4Tech – Caphyon Day, event which is part of the series of events Open4Tech – Open for technology. Everybody is invited, from students to teachers and anyone who is interested.

  • Where: Faculty of Exact Sciences, Room 363;

  • When: Thursday, 25th of April 2013, 12:00.

. . . → Read More: Open4Tech – Caphyon Day

Entrepreneurship in Data Management Research

As data is becoming increasingly more important in our society, there are many successful companies doing data-related businesses as well as a lot of entrepreneurship opportunities for our community working on data management research. In this blog, Chen Li (University of California, Irvine) describes his experiences of doing a start-up (called SRCH2) that commercializes university […] . . . → Read More: Entrepreneurship in Data Management Research

O firmă britanică angajează 1.000 de oameni în Bucureşti

Compania britanică Endava, specializată în aplicaţii IT pentru sectorul financiar, telecomunicaţii şi media, intenţionează să angajeze circa 1.000 de persoane în următorii 3 ani în Bucureşti. . . . → Read More: O firmă britanică angajează 1.000 de oameni în Bucureşti

Cum producem si cum consumam Semantic Data

Specificatia HTML5 introduce Microdata ca suport de adnotare Semantic Web. In particular, webmasterii pot folosi vocabularul pentru a adnota continutul. . . . → Read More: Cum producem si cum consumam Semantic Data