By admin, on octombrie 17th, 2013
Department of Informatics together with Hella Romania company invite you to join Open4Tech – Hella University Project, event which is part of the series of events Open4Tech – Open for technology. Everybody is invited, from students to teachers and anyone who is interested.
Where: Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Department of Informatics, Room 219;
When: Thursday, 24th of October 2013, 12:00 o’clock.
. . . → Read More: Open4Tech – Hella University Project
By admin, on octombrie 15th, 2013
Google Romania a lansat înscrierile pentru programul Online Marketing Academy. Programul ce se adreseaza studentilor se va desfăşura în perioada 1 noiembrie – 18 decembrie 2013 şi include 5 cursuri de câte 4 ore care se vor desfăşura în universităţile partenere din Bucureşti, Iaşi, Cluj, Sibiu, Braşov, Targu Mureş, Oradea, Timişoara şi Craiova.
. . . → Read More: Google Online Marketing Academy
By admin, on octombrie 5th, 2013
Numerous Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate Fellowships in Business Intelligence and Big Data Analytics The ERASMUS MUNDUS JOINT DOCTORATE in INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES for BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE (IT4BI-DC) Programme provides EU-funded SCHOLARSHIPS to students selected by the IT4BI-DC Consortium. The IT4BI-DC Consortium is composed of the following institutions: Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) (Belgium), Aalborg Universitet (AAU) (Denmark), Technische Universitaet Dresden (TUD) (Germany), Universitat […] . . . → Read More: Erasmus Mundus Doctorate in Business Intelligence
By admin, on septembrie 28th, 2013
La început de an universitar, se lanseaza NetRom Software Academy – o experienţă de dezvoltare profesională oferită de compania NetRom Software tuturor studenţilor şi absolvenţilor.
. . . → Read More: NetRom Software Academy
By admin, on septembrie 10th, 2013
By admin, on iulie 18th, 2013
Potrivit cifrelor publicate de curand, peste 3 milioane de studenti au beneficiat de burse Erasmus din partea UE, de la lansarea programului in 1987.
Statisticile pentru anul universitar 2011-2012, arata, de asemenea, faptul ca programul a permis unui numar de peste 250.000 de studenti – un nou record – sa urmeze o parte din studiile lor superioare in strainatate sau sa urmeze un stagiu intr-o societate straina, imbunatatindu-si astfel capacitatea de insertie profesionala.
. . . → Read More: Numarul de studenti Erasmus a ajuns la peste 3 milioane
By admin, on aprilie 25th, 2013
Alice este un program gratuit pentru calculator (o aplicatie software) realizat la Universitatea Carnegie-Mellon al carui scop este acela de a facilita intelegerea conceptelor de programare orientata pe obiecte. Alice introduce un limbaj de programare educational fiind livrat impreuna cu un propriul mediu de dezvoltare (IDE – Integrated Data Environment). Marea majoritate a limbajelor de programare […] . . . → Read More: Alice-un mediu de programare POO
By admin, on martie 19th, 2013
Starting August 1, 2013 or later, several positions are available at MADALGO under the supervision of Professor Lars Arge, Professor Christian S. Jensen and Associate Professor Gerth S. Brodal.
. . . → Read More: MADALGO PhD student and Post Doc Positions
By admin, on martie 5th, 2013
Departamentul de Informatica din cadrul Facultatii de Stiinte Exacte si Societatea de Tehnologii Computationale organizeaza sub egida Universitatii din Craiova cea de-a 7-a editie a Sesiunii de comunicari stiintifice studentesti ce va avea loc sambata 01 iunie 2013. . . . → Read More: Sesiunea nationala de comunicari stiintifice studentesti – editia a 7-a
By admin, on noiembrie 27th, 2012
The IT SIX Academy Program is a comprehensive, complementary training program which provides students with the technology and process knowledge essential in larger software projects.
. . . → Read More: IT Six Academy Program