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Angajatii sunt stimulati sa-si puna in practica ideile noi, chiar daca exista riscuri

Facebook are, fata de Google si alte companii, o atitudine mai deschisa, mai iertatoare fata de initiativele angajatilor, iar cand acestia au idei interesante sunt incurajati sa le puna in practica, in ciuda faptului ca exista diverse riscuri, a spus intr-un interviu pentru HotNews, Andrei Alexandrescu, cercetator roman la Facebook.

. . . → Read More: Angajatii sunt stimulati sa-si puna in practica ideile noi, chiar daca exista riscuri

Open4Tech – Hella Romania Day


Faculty of Exact Sciences, Department of Informatics together with Hella Romania company invite you to join Open4Tech – Hella Romania Day, event which is part of the series of events Open4Tech – Open for technology. Everybody is invited, from students to teachers and anyone who is interested.

. . . → Read More: Open4Tech – Hella Romania Day

Google Education in Africa

Oare de ce Google Romania nu organizeaza… . . . → Read More: Google Education in Africa


Ieri, 13.06.2012, a debutat la Craiova conferinţa internaţională International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics – WIMS’ 12. Evenimentul este organizat pentru prima data în România şi în Craiova, după ce prima ediţie a avut loc în anul 2011 în Norvegia, iar cea de-a treia va fi la Madrid, în Spania, în 2013. La eveniment […] . . . → Read More: WIMS’12

Ph.D. position in computer science at DIKU

The Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (DIKU) invites applications for a PhD scholarship starting September/October 2012. The scholarship is internally financed and *not* subject to requirements of a specific research project or an external funding agent. The Algorithms and Programming Languages group at DIKU would welcome applications from candidates with a strong background in […] . . . → Read More: Ph.D. position in computer science at DIKU

PhD students & Postdocs in Big Data Analytics

The Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) has three full time vacancies for talented PhD students and Postdocs in the Database Architectures group.

The positions are in the broad area of big data analytics to enable robust and scalable big data analytics. Research topics are in novel query processing, (adaptive) indexing and optimization techniques, and bridging the gap between application programming and big data storage.

One of these vacancies is in the context of a collaboration project with Actian Vectorwise, while the other two are related to the Dutch national research program COMMIT.

. . . → Read More: PhD students & Postdocs in Big Data Analytics

Open4Tech – Ixia Romania Day


Faculty of Exact Sciences, Department of Informatics together with IXIA Romania company invite you to join Open4Tech – Ixia Romania Day, event which is part of the series of events Open4Tech – Open for technology. Everybody is invited, from students to teachers and anyone who is interested.

  • Where: Faculty of Exact Sciences, Room 113;

  • When: Thursday, 31th of May 2012, 12:00.

. . . → Read More: Open4Tech – Ixia Romania Day

Sesiune de comunicari stiintifice – editia a 6-a

Departamentul de Informatica din cadrul Facultatii de Stiinte Exacte si Societatea de Tehnologii Computationale organizeaza sub egida Universitatii din Craiova cea de-a 6-a editie a Sesiunii de comunicari stiintifice studentesti ce va avea loc sambata 26 mai 2012, ora 09:00, sala 116..

. . . → Read More: Sesiune de comunicari stiintifice – editia a 6-a

9 PhD student positions on Adaptive Distributed Systems

The Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) is offering 9 PhD student positions within the doctoral program „Adaptive Distributed Systems“, which will be launched in Fall 2012. Each PhD student position is funded for three years (15 hours per week regular employment contract with full social benefits). The yearly salary is 13,293 Euros before taxes. Depending […] . . . → Read More: 9 PhD student positions on Adaptive Distributed Systems

Programator incepator posed cunostinte avansate

Intr-un articol publicat recent la Blog@CACM, Bertrand Meyer ridica problema cunostintelor de programare pe care le poseda studentii din primii ani, participanti la cursurile de introducere in programarea calculatoarelor. . . . → Read More: Programator incepator posed cunostinte avansate