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Virtual Reality demo by Teamnet

Logo Teamnet

What happens when saving lives, software development and hi-tech technologies like Oculus Rift meet? Magic happens! Come and experience our live Virtual Reality demo and see the way Teamnet foresees the future of IT in emergency management.

  • Where: Room 363, Department of Informatics, University of Craiova;

  • When: Friday, 29th of May 2015, 13:00 o’clock.

Teamnet Group is a leading regional IT&C integrator that develops large-scale technological projects geared towards continuous innovation. Teamnet believes that technology underpins the evolution of society. This is why the company creates innovative technological infrastructure and place it at the core of the society, as a central nervous system.

Teamnet constantly invests in globally renowned technologies such as cloud, geographic information systems, robotics or supervisory control and data acquisition solutions, aiming to generate a sustainable long-term evolution of our society.

Today, the group is expert in a wide array of IT solutions and services and pioneers in integrating state of the art technologies. Thus, the company significantly contributes to fulfilling the region’s potential for growth.

For more information about Teamnet’s products and services please visit

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