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Perspectivele programatorilor (in US?)

Ministerul muncii din USA (US Dept. of Labor) publica un raport foarte detaliat despre situatia ocuparii fortei de munca in perioada 2010-2011. In ceea ce priveste inginerii software si programatorii perspectivele sunt excelente.

Am retinut urmatoarele:

Educatia, perfectionarea, evolutia

Citez din lucrare:

Computer Software Engineer
applicants who have at least a bachelor’s degree and broad knowledge of, and experience with, a variety of computer systems and technologies.
Computer programmer
Many programmers require a bachelor’s degree, but a 2-year degree or certificate may be adequate for some positions. Some computer programmers hold a college degree in computer science, mathematics, or information systems, whereas others have taken special courses in computer programming to supplement their degree in a field such as accounting, finance, or another area of business.

Situatia actuala

Cei mai multi programatori lucreaza in industrie (edituri, finante, echipamente electice si electronice, asigurari, etc) iar circa 32% lucreaza dicert la producerea de noi tehnologii software si alte servicii conexe. Deasemenea circa 2,1% lucreaza ca persoane independente (self-employed).



Overall, employment of computer software engineers and computer programmers is projected to increase much faster than the average for all occupations. Job prospects should be best for those with a bachelor’s degree and relevant experience.

Cu toate acestea:

Although employment of computer programmers is projected to decline, numerous job openings will result from the need to replace workers who leave the labor force or transfer to other occupations. Prospects for these openings should be best for applicants with a bachelor’s degree and experience with a variety of programming languages and tools. As technology evolves, however, and newer, more sophisticated tools emerge, programmers will need to update their skills in order to remain competitive.

Cat despre castiguri, in USA, salariul mediu anual al unui programator incepator era $61407 in iulie 2009.

Nu se spune nimic de programatori incepatori. Asta pentru ca programatori incepatori nu exista.

Students seeking software engineering or programming jobs can enhance their employment opportunities by participating in internships. Some employers, such as large computer and consulting firms, train new employees in intensive, company-based programs.

Asadar: Nu poti merge la angajare daca nu ai cel putin un proiect personal pe care l-ai realizat (ca student sau oriunde in alta parte).

Link: Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-11 Edition, Computer Software Engineers and Computer Programmers.

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Adica incepatori… mai putin.

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