PhD and PostDoc positions are available at the Database and Artificial Intelligence Group at the Institute of Logic and Computation (TU Wien, Austria). . . . → Read More: PhD and PostDoc positions at TU Wien (Austria)
![]() PhD and PostDoc positions are available at the Database and Artificial Intelligence Group at the Institute of Logic and Computation (TU Wien, Austria). . . . → Read More: PhD and PostDoc positions at TU Wien (Austria) Uppsala University is an international research university focused on the development of science and education. Our most important assets are all the individuals who with their curiosity and their dedication makes Uppsala University one of Sweden’s most exciting work places. Uppsala University has 41.000 students, 6,500 employees and a turnover of SEK 5,900 billion. We are […] . . . → Read More: PhD student in Scalable search and analysis of streaming data Numerous Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate Fellowships in Business Intelligence and Big Data Analytics The ERASMUS MUNDUS JOINT DOCTORATE in INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES for BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE (IT4BI-DC) Programme provides EU-funded SCHOLARSHIPS to students selected by the IT4BI-DC Consortium. The IT4BI-DC Consortium is composed of the following institutions: Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) (Belgium), Aalborg Universitet (AAU) (Denmark), Technische Universitaet Dresden (TUD) (Germany), Universitat […] . . . → Read More: Erasmus Mundus Doctorate in Business Intelligence The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at the University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology announces two PhD positions within the research project Reliable Multilingual Digital Communication: Methods and Applications (REMU) funded by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet). . . . → Read More: PhD students in Language Technology and Formal Methods The Dynamic and Distributed Information Systems Group is looking for multiple research doctoral students with a keen interest in at least one the the following areas:Large-scale Graph Processing, Human Computation / HCI, Semantic Web / Linked Data, Economics of Computing, Social Network Analysis. . . . → Read More: Fully funded PhD student positions at the University of Zurich A postdoc researcher and two PhD students it is needed to join the Web-based Systems Group at the University of Mannheim. Please find the job postings below as well as at http://wifo5.informatik.uni-mannheim.de/de/lehrstuhl/offene-stellen The Web-based Systems Group is part of the new research focus area on Data- and Web-Science that is currently being established at the School of […] . . . → Read More: Open Positions: 1 Postdoc Researcher and 2 PhD Students at Web-based Systems Group / University of Mannheim The Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (DIKU) invites applications for a PhD scholarship starting September/October 2012. The scholarship is internally financed and *not* subject to requirements of a specific research project or an external funding agent. The Algorithms and Programming Languages group at DIKU would welcome applications from candidates with a strong background in […] . . . → Read More: Ph.D. position in computer science at DIKU The Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) has three full time vacancies for talented PhD students and Postdocs in the Database Architectures group. The positions are in the broad area of big data analytics to enable robust and scalable big data analytics. Research topics are in novel query processing, (adaptive) indexing and optimization techniques, and bridging the gap between application programming and big data storage. One of these vacancies is in the context of a collaboration project with Actian Vectorwise, while the other two are related to the Dutch national research program COMMIT. . . . → Read More: PhD students & Postdocs in Big Data Analytics |
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