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Software Developer Intern 2019@SyncroSoft

Syncro Soft Logo

Syncro Soft SRL, the top business IT software company in Oltenia region, is excited to announce our fourth internship program. This is a great opportunity for students and recent graduates who are interested getting experience in software development and XML technology. . . . → Read More: Software Developer Intern 2019@SyncroSoft

Stagiul de vara Roweb 2019

Aplica pentru Stagiul de vara Roweb 2019! . . . → Read More: Stagiul de vara Roweb 2019

Technical Marketing Engineer Intern 2019@SyncroSoft

Syncro Soft Logo

Syncro Soft SRL, the top business IT software company in Oltenia region, is excited to announce our fourth internship program. This is a great opportunity for students and recent graduates who are interested getting experience in software development and XML technology. . . . → Read More: Technical Marketing Engineer Intern 2019@SyncroSoft

Festivitate de premiere „Studenti informaticieni de exceptie”-2019

Departamentul de Informatica din cadrul Facultatii de Stiinte de la Universitatea din Craiova invita studentii si cadrele didactice sa participe la Festivitatea de premiere a Studentilor Informaticieni, Joi, 11 aprilie 2019, ora 10:00, Sala 116. . . . → Read More: Festivitate de premiere „Studenti informaticieni de exceptie”-2019