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Din nou despre reviste (ISI)

Asociatiile International Mathematical Union si International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) au creat un grup de stiudiu pentru a decide daca, si in ce conditii, se mai poate conta pe actualul sistem de ranking al revistelor de matematica.

Raportul este disponibil:

Are doar 7 pagini si deci nu necesita foarte mult timp de lectura. Concluziile sunt clare: nici un rating nu e perfect dar cele actuale sunt foarte slabe calitativ.

Cititi si:

Din ultimul articol adaug aici doua fragmene:

The Elsevier journal Chaos, Solitons and Fractals published more than 300 papers by the journal’s Editor-In-Chief (58 in a single year). That these papers were not subject to peer review was later confirmed by the EIC’s declaration that „senior people are above this childish, vain practice of peer review.” Although the copious self-publication had begun nearly 20 years earlier, the EIC’s retirement from the journal occurred only in 2009.


Elsevier math journals have published a number of papers that make me doubt that they were subject to any peer-review whatever. An egregious example is the 2-page paper „A computer application in mathematics” in Computers and Mathematics with Applications, vol. 59 (2010) pp. 296-297, which purports to prove the parallel postulate (!) with no formulas, no references to other published works except for two papers by the same authors, and, as best as I can tell, no meaningful content whatever. This paper remains unretracted and available for sale on the Elsevier web site.

Urmariti @FakeElsevier pe Twitter.

Apropo, aceste eforturi fac parte din marele efort de reforma a educatiei care tocmai are loc in US.

De pilda Doyle Introduces Bill to Ensure Public Access to Federally-Funded Research introducerea de legislatie care prevede accesul liber la cercetarile produse cu fonduri publice.

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