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IT Six Academy Program

The IT SIX Academy Program is a comprehensive, complementary training program which provides students with the technology and process knowledge essential in larger software projects. . . . → Read More: IT Six Academy Program

Clasificarea universala

Pregatim programatori,analisti, consultanti IT. . . . → Read More: Clasificarea universala

Viitorul educatiei

Recent, in luna octombrie, The New York Times a publicat un articol de opinie cu privire la viitorul educatiei. . . . → Read More: Viitorul educatiei

Cat se mai castiga in Germania

Germania este tara europeana care nu este direct afectata de criza economica. Unul dintre motive este si faptul ca salariile nu au explodat in ultimii 10 ani precum in alte tari europene (inclusiv Franta). Iata cat se castiga . . . → Read More: Cat se mai castiga in Germania

Conversatia si recomandarea

O prezentare interesanta a lui Daniel Tunkelang. . . . → Read More: Conversatia si recomandarea

Programarea logica are aproape 40 de ani …

Inteligenta artificiala a nascut programarea logica la Stanford University (John McCarthy, Bertram Raphael, Cordell Green,…) si la Edinburgh (J. Alan Robinson, Pat Hayes, si Robert Kowalski). . . . → Read More: Programarea logica are aproape 40 de ani …


Playspent este un mic joc interactiv produs de Dureaza maxim 10 min. . . . → Read More: Playspent

Perspectivele programatorilor (in US?)

Ministerul muncii din USA (US Dept. of Labor) publica un raport foarte detaliat despre situatia ocuparii fortei de munca in perioada 2010-2011. In ceea ce priveste inginerii software si programatorii perspectivele sunt excelente. . . . → Read More: Perspectivele programatorilor (in US?)

Despre educatie si educati

Tănăsescu, FMI: Şomajul în această lume este focalizat în jurul tânărului cu şcoală . . . → Read More: Despre educatie si educati

Open4Tech – Hella Romania Day

Faculty of Exact Sciences, Department of Informatics together with Hella Romania company invite you to join Open4Tech – Hella Romania Day, event which is part of the series of events Open4Tech – Open for technology. Everybody is invited, from students to teachers and anyone who is interested. Where: Faculty of Exact Sciences, Department of Informatics, Room […] . . . → Read More: Open4Tech – Hella Romania Day