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Open4Tech – Summer School 2024

Departamentul de Informatica din cadrul Facultatii de Stiinte, Universitatea din Craiova si Asociatia Societatea pentru Tehnologii Computationale – Society for Computing Technologies impreuna cu companiile Caphyon, Chenist Cybersecurity, NetRom Software si Syncro Soft oganizeaza scoala de vara Open4Tech – Summer School 2024, serie de cursuri desfasurate in cadrul Open4Tech – Open for technology.

Cursurile scolii de vara sunt gratuite fiind adresate studentilor si elevilor pasionati de informatica.

Acestea se vor desfasura in perioada 24 iunie – 12 iulie 2024 in sala 219, Cladirea centrala a Universitatii din Craiova.

Pentru detalii consultati site-ul:

Editia de anul acesta va avea 12 workshop-uri:

  • Building your first application with OOP and the C# language – Cristian Ciuteanu & Alexandro Nicolae (Netrom Software)
  • Classier than C – Gabriel Diaconita (Caphyon)
  • Exploring the impact of data preprocessing in machine learning – Alexandra Udristoiu (Syncro Soft)
  • How a programmer works – Gabriel Diaconita (Caphyon)
  • How to navigate the cybersecurity landscape – Alin Mechenici (Chenist)
  • Intro to AI app development for teens – Danut Ghiorghita (Caphyon)
  • Make your app test itself with JUnit! – Alexandru Smarandache (Syncro Soft)
  • Programming skills: Slow optimisation and intuitive applications – Vlad Greaca (Syncro Soft)
  • Styling your app: From basics to brilliance – Madalin Popescu & Silviu Mitroi (Netrom Software)
  • The model behind the app – from the requirements to the database used in an app – Irina Popa & Gabriel Paunica (Netrom Software)
  • Unlocking the power of CSS customization – Andrei Pomacu (Syncro Soft)
  • Warning! Scalable graphic content – Cornel Selescu

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