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IT Six QA Academy

IT Six Global Services - logo

About the company

IT Six Global Services is a Romanian software company headquartered in Craiova whose main activity is the development of creative solutions and services for the global market. We currently employ over 130 people, helping us deliver projects to clients in 14 countries on 4 continents.

Following our latest successful training programs we continue to expand to new areas and enlarge the scope of the renown IT Six Academy program, proudly announcing:

IT Six QA Academy

When: March 30 – April 30

What it is?

The goal of the program is to help students understand the basics of Software Testing and develop practical, teamwork skills, to meet the QUALITY standards of real software projects and real deadlines.

Why you should join?

You will increase your chances to be hired!

This is your first step into a Software Quality Assurance career.

At the end of the program you will receive a formal certification testifying graduation of the IT Six QA Academythe first professional Software Testing Training program in Craiova!

We’re waiting for you: office AT itsix DOT com. In your application please specify IT SIX QA Academy.


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