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Europe Digital Agenda

Agenda digitala pentru Europa este o initiativa a Uniunii Europene pentru crearea unei societati europene bazate pe economia digitala.

Recent, pe 16-17 iunie au avut loc la Bruxelles intalniri tematice:

01. Open data and re-use of public sector information
02. What next for e-Identity and e-Signatures?
03. Interoperability and standards: making it happen
04. Cybersecurity: barriers and incentives
05. Financing and facilitating broadband projects
06. Partnership-based ICT research and innovation
07. Social networks, a driver for economic and political change?
08. Mainstreaming e-Learning in education and training
09. Access and digital ability: building a barrier-free digital society
10. Addressing demographic change: a socio-economic challenge and opportunity for Europe
11. Greening ICT
12. Towards smart mobility: increasing the speed of intelligent transport systems takeup in Europe
13. ICT and management of creative content
14. Building confidence for the digital single market
15. IPv6 deployment in Europe
16. Every European child safe online
17. Spectrum for wireless innovation in Europe
18. Towards a cloud computing strategy for Europe: Matching supply and demand
19. Future digital economy: a chance for competitive and innovative European entrepreneurs and organisations
20. Digital literacy and e-Inclusion
21. ICT for the Single Market: e-Government driving Innovation
22. Women for smart growth
23. The Digital Agenda for Europe: building an open and global marketplace
24. The Digital Agenda for local and regional development

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