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Post-Quantum Cryptography (carte)

In 2009 editura Springer a publicat aceasta carte ingrijita de 3 editori: Daniel J. Bernstein, Johannes Buchmann si Erik Dahmen.

Post-Quantum Cryptography. In introducerea de pe site sta scris negru pe alb:

Quantum computers will break today’s most popular public-key cryptographic systems, including RSA, DSA, and ECDSA. This book introduces the reader to the next generation of cryptographic algorithms, the systems that resist quantum-computer attacks: in particular, post-quantum public-key encryption systems and post-quantum public-key signature systems.

mai mult in capitolul oferit gratuit, Introduction to post-quantum cryptography de Daniel J. Bernstein sta scris:

1 Is cryptography dead?
Imagine that it’s fifteen years from now and someone announces the successful construction of a large quantum computer. The New York Times runs a frontpage article reporting that all of the public-key algorithms used to protect the Internet have been broken. Users panic. What exactly will happen to cryptography?

Ma agit prea tare. E vorba doar daca ne-am imagina ca peste 15 ani cineva ar construi un anume computer…

Ma gandesc insa ca e o lectura buna pentru cei interesati.

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